This is a place for me to gather information, ideas, thoughts, resources on my interests, notes to myself, etc… Some people call this a digital garden.
Anything goes. It's a space to write, think, explore, and work in public.
There might be notes on music, design, technology, writing, languages, success, or whatever's §top of mind.
I keep track of places I visit, books I read, projects I release, some recipes I enjoyed cooking, events I participate in.
The absence of any index or reverse-chronological presentation means that the best way to get a sense for what's in here is to click around. But there is a traditional blog format with some featured posts.
I'm also mostly focused on podcasting via Strolling at the moment, and some of my favourite recent episodes are:
- relationships without texting (with Kae Yuan)
- detaching from online life
- finding confidence through travelling (with my dad)
- assumptions about Asians (with Jonathan Lee)
- when tourism eats culture
- language infinite game
- reserving space for cars and towels (with Holger Krekel)
Also significant is the conversation about recipes and expertise with Judy Perly.
✱ Inspired by all the [[wiki link]]
systems out there, most recently one by Andy Matuschak.
✱✱ Written with Hyperdraft + Garden.